Friday, January 9, 2009


Thank goodness it's friday. It has been a rough week getting back to the work force after having 18 days vacation. I think I am getting old. I need to get some rest. No pic's today we need to call the computer man and get a few repairs. Went to Logan after work and needed to pick up a few things at Wally World. I hate that place it is always so croweded and you can't even think about what you needed. I don't know where all the people come from. We took Abbie and Isaac with us Grandpa took Isaac and I kept Abbie. I had a perfect little angel, she puts up with alot for having to hang around grandma. Well I waited in line to drop Jim Rx off at the drop off, then had to kill 20 min. so we checked out the 75% off christmas stuff. wasn't in the mood to get christmas just got all mine put away and hardly had room for all I had which wasn't much. Then go back to the line to wait to pick up. I swear you pay for things more with your time that you have to put in. Come home fix dinner and was going to go swim walking with Janiece. It got to be an hour after I was supposed to be there, and I decided to bag it. There I go making excuses for not getting in my exercise. I guess you could say I am feeling like I have no time for myself. I have got to make some changes somewhere. I think I am a little grumpy so hope tomorrow is a better day......


No Buckaroos said...

Wow,I'm so impressed with your blog! Way to go. Thanks for helping me out right now! Lucas is doing much better tonight - he was almost himself! Love ya lots.

All About Us said...

I HATE Walmart too!! They didn't even have what I needed. What a waisted 30 min!! You are so thoughtful of doing stuff for others. Just think to your self. I have done something for someone else today time for myself!! We love you and thank you for everything!!

About Us said...

Oh Debbie, I'm so glad to see that you have started a blog. I think you are such a neat lady. You are always so sweet and very thoughtful. I love hearing you talk and miss seeing you now that I am in Primary. So I will look forward to reading your blog. I sure do love you and your family, you have raised an awesome bunch of kids:)